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Okha Uki Bhala Bhi Esan

$ 8.00

  • EUR: €7.36
  • GBP: £6.30
  • NGN: ₦ 11,736.00

This is an enchanting storybook written in the Esan language of Nigeria. This delightful book is designed to help readers of all ages build their reading proficiency in the language, while also providing a window into the rich cultural traditions and storytelling heritage of the Esan people.

This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to build their reading proficiency in the Esan language of Nigeria. Its engaging stories and rich cultural content make it an ideal tool for language learners of all ages and levels, while also providing a unique glimpse into the cultural heritage of the Esan people.

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The book is written by a native speaker of the Esan language who is also an experienced writer and storyteller. The author’s deep knowledge of the language and its cultural context ensures that the stories are written in a style that is both engaging and linguistically rich.

The vocabulary and grammar notes at the end of each chapter are designed to help readers deepen their understanding of the language. They cover topics such as verb conjugation, noun declension, and sentence structure, providing a comprehensive guide to the language that goes beyond just reading and comprehension.

The illustrations in the book are colorful and engaging, helping to bring the stories to life and providing visual cues to aid in comprehension. The illustrations also reflect the rich cultural heritage of the Esan people, featuring traditional dress, architecture, and other cultural elements.

Finally, it’s worth noting that “Tales of a Moonlight” is part of a larger effort to promote and preserve the Esan language and culture. By providing learners with a fun and engaging way to build their language skills, the book is helping to ensure that the language continues to thrive and evolve for generations to come

Book type

Paperback, Digital download


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